Your hands are some of the essential parts of your body. They are very useful in almost daily routine every single day of your life. Taking care of your hands should form part of your skin care regimen. Left unattended, they begin to develop dryness. It may also lead to the ugly chapped look and, perhaps, other more serious skin conditions.
In today's business etiquette, hands are essential in establishing and nurturing lasting acquaintance and relations. You use your hands in making handshakes which, to most, speak a great deal about yourself.
The natural aging process and a wide variety of environmental factors and unhealthy lifestyles contribute to the onset of dry skin. These combine a series of processes that lead to the gradual loss of collagen and the diminished ability of the skin to retain moisture. Extended exposure to direct rays of the sun also results in rapid water loss through evaporation.
Many household items also contribute to the development of dry skin, especially those found on your hands. Hand wash and detergents containing harmful compounds irritate and further damage the skin layer.
Other factors that affecting the skin dryness include chemical, soap, dry air, medical skin conditions, allergens, and certain medications,
Here are some tips on how to take care of very dry hands.
1. Wash hands frequently. Washing your hands often keeps your hand skin moist. The cooling effect also enhances the water holding capacity of the skin on your hands. Aside from this, washing removes a lot of germs and dirt on the skin layers. Remember that the stratum corneum, the uppermost layer of your skin, is made of keratin and dead skin cells. When left dirty, bacteria and other microorganisms may find it ideal to live and feed on them. Do not overdo hand washing though. Experts suggest that you sing "Happy Birthday" while washing. The song's duration is regarded as normal and sufficient.
2. Avoid products with harsh chemicals. Many products readily available in the market contain a lot of chemicals and other compounds found harmful on the skin. Some of them are actually cancer-causing. These chemicals also react with the naturally occurring elements and substances in the body which provides the ideal condition for the formation of free radicals. These molecules damage the cells by making them unstable after stealing an electron from each. Check out the labels and list of ingredients used. Watch out for retinoid and alpha hydroxyl acids. These are harsh on the skin, causing it get irritated. Alcohol and fragrances are also other harmful substances found in many moisturizers.
3. Use gentle and natural moisturizers only. These products contain natural ingredients formulated to improve the skin condition. They are effective remedies to counter substantial water loss on the skin surface. Make sure they contain only natural essential oils and plant extracts. These also prevent the skin from prematurely developing wrinkles and chapping by boosting collagen levels on the skin.
4. Exfoliate. We have learned to exfoliate our faces, but we often neglect our hands. Yet the skin on the hands—especially on the back of them—is thin, fragile, and even more susceptible to damage than some areas of the face. If you’re severely dry and calloused, try a pumice stone after bathing. You can also put about 1-2 tablespoons of sugar in your hands, add some olive oil, and rub both the front and back of your hands to loosen up that dry, dull skin. Use 1-4 times a week, depending on your skin’s needs, and always apply a moisturizing lotion immediately afterward.
5. Select which suits your skin type. Different skin types require different formulations of skin care creams. If you are not sure which skin type you have, choose the one suited for sensitive skin.
6. Use humidifiers. Plug it on, if you have one. The humidifier increases moisture content in the air and keeps your skin moist and cool.
7. Be careful with what you wear. Avoid wearing fabrics made of wool and other rough materials. They trap heat inside. However, during winter, you really need to wear gloves to keep your skin dry. Remember that cold air also contributes to the drying of the skin.
8. Pure coconut oil. This stuff is right for skin because of its unique combination of fatty acids. Apply it directly onto skin and wear gloves for the best results.
These are just some of the effective ways of improving your dry skin condition. The ultimate solution still remains in you. It is your dedication and diligence in taking care of your hands to keep them from drying.
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