The healthy, clear and glowing skin is one of the major elements of the beauty of a person. To get radiant glowing skin is very easy. You just follow some simple top tips at home and you will get the desired skin.
1. Take A Balanced And Healthy Diet
Consuming enough amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables and fishes will treat your skin effectively, making shining and pretty.
2. Cleanse
Basically, clean skin means beautiful skin. Keeping your skin cleansed of dirt, sweat, and oil is really important because this helps to prevent a dull appearance and clogged pores. You just use a gentle cleanser to wash your face every morning and night. Later take a quick sweep with a toner on one cotton pad.
3. Wash The Face Before Sleeping
Your face receives dirt, sweating, oil, and other impurities throughout the day. So, it is important to remove all the makeup prior to going to bed. Washing prevents the face from growing acne. Cleansing prevents the pores from breaking out and obstructs the bacteria from the bedding.
4. Consider Taking a Probiotic
According to Mendez, probiotics supplements, which promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, go beyond improving digestion. “They absorb toxins in the gut and help to move them out of your body so that their impact doesn’t show up on your skin.”
5. Get to Know Omega-3s
Despite common misconceptions, not all fats are bad for you. Omega-3 fats, found in wild salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed oil, nourish and hydrate the skin, Mendez promotes. They also reduce signs of aging.
6. Load Up on Green Juice
“This is one of the most important things you can consume to help improve the quality and look of your skin,” she says. “You want to make sure it's mostly vegetables with just a little fruit to help with flavor.” She recommends including cucumbers, which are great for under-eye puffiness, as well as kale, a powerful antioxidant. Throw in a lemon or lime for hydration and ginger as an anti-inflammatory.
7. Stay Away from Sugar
Want super smooth skin? You'll have to keep your sweet tooth in check. “Sugar is a pro-inflammatory which can lead to signs of premature aging,” she adds. “It also disrupts hormonal balance which can aggravate acne.”
8. Stick to products meant for your skin
The internet can give out weird and wonderful information, but not all of it is accurate. Be aware that not everything you read will work. A common mistake is using toothpaste on spots - toothpaste is meant for your teeth which are one of the hardest surfaces in your body. Using a product on your skin which is actually intended for the teeth will damage your skin and cause it to completely dry out.
9. Multi-task
Looking after your skin doesn't have to stop at home, neither carry a multi-tasking quick-fix with you in your handbag for the dewy skin on the go. A water spray can be used to cool and calm even the most sensitive complexions. Not only does it tone the skin, but it can also be used to set makeup and refresh skin on a hot day, as well as soothing and softening skin on the go.
10. Wear SPF throughout the year
It's easy to assume that just because the sun isn't out, you don't need to use a product with SPF in it. But UVA rays are constantly present, no matter the season or the weather and these are the ones that cause the skin to age because they are able to penetrate much deeper into the surface of the skin, damaging the cells beneath.
11. Drink lots of water
Every system and function in our body depends on water. Skin is no different. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling, so ensure you take in enough water to reach your skin and keep it hydrated. Two to three litres a day is usually about right.
12. Eat more nuts
They are a barrier against aging because they contain a lot of vitamin E and linoleic acid (especially almonds).
Almonds are very rich in vitamin E, which has a similar effect as antioxidants. It fights against free radicals that make the skin aging and also keeps the skin hydrated for longer.
Walnuts are rich in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Eating mote nuts will provide with smoother skin, strong hair and healthy bones.
13. Selenium-containing products
Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant and, in combination with vitamin E, has an excellent effect on acne.
A Swedish study shows that if you are taking selenium and vitamin E for 12 to 14 weeks, the skin is significantly less prone to acne breakouts. Wheat germ, tuna, salmon, garlic, and eggs are richest in selenium.
14. Watch Your Caffeine Intake
Those mid-day coffee breaks could be drying you out. Be mindful of your intake, Mendez warns. “Caffeine can be very dehydrating, so consume in moderation."
15. Stay Away from Sugar
Want super smooth skin? You'll have to keep your sweet tooth in check. “Sugar is a pro-inflammatory which can lead to signs of premature aging,” she adds. “It also disrupts hormonal balance which can aggravate acne.”
16. Use Natural Products
Nowadays, most people resort to using scrubs and face packs available on the market. I suggest that we should go natural because who knows what harmful ingredients are present in the products available in the market. There are many ways to make homemade face packs and scrubs.
17. Meditate
Meditation is the key to a healthy skin. Meditation calms our body and helps us de-stress. Stress creates a havoc on our skin and so one should stay away from stress and the best way to do is meditate.
18. Exercise
Exercising gives a natural glow to the skin. So, you should indulge in some physical activities to keep your skin healthy.
19. Exfoliate weekly.
Exfoliation is key to beautiful, radiant skin. The best way to exfoliate naturally at home is to take one tablespoon of raw organic coconut oil and mix it with one teaspoon of cane sugar. Gently apply to face and neck in circular motions and rinse with warm water.
I recommend doing this in the shower one-to-two times per week to help maintain your skin in between professional treatments.
20. Apply a nighttime mask.
Our skin does the most healing while we sleep, so this is the very best time to give your face (and body!) some extra help. My advice is to apply a thin layer of their favorite hydrating mask over their evening moisturizer. This is especially helpful while traveling when skin can become extra dry or irritated.One of my favorite DIY masks only requires one avocado, ripe avocado. Take an avocado, and mash it into a pulp. Spread evenly on your face and let sit for at least five-to-ten minutes. When you want to remove the mask, gently wipe your face with a warm, wet cloth.
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